Monday, January 20, 2020


 spawner progress
 more spawner progress
despawner script

roblox first official post

 the script for the drift cars where a tedious thing to go through and fix. just because it says drift car doesn't mean its perfect.
 this is the cars when you spawn them it took quit a bit to get them to spawn but i finally figured it out

Friday, January 10, 2020

first post roblox

using script to kill player when touching a certain object

first part of my obby
first obstacle the jump parkour and line dodger 
ball parkour there is an invisible ball in between the red balls and the red balls kill you

the sign hints at what might happen
i gave up!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

whoever threw that paper your moms a hoe!

What TYPE of game is this?
personally a game i don't enjoy but i can see its appeal its an adventure game.

What did you do yesterday to win the game?
i didn't
Explain what you see and how to play the game.

SIX- screenshots 


stone axe

first town i visited
 building were i found the seeker
cool rock in the distance

  • add your blog address - in the image
  • add a caption explaining what each item is - under the image
What is your plan?
assassinate every human